Friday, January 9, 2015


Grit is the courage or resolve to do something

Who is successful and why:

Passion and perseverance for very long term goals
Having stamina
sticking with you future day in and day out
Working really hard to make it a reality
being able to stick with what you want to and do

how do you teach people grit:
my honest to being answer is that i dont know my best guess  would be to that we should get it to where we just raise their confidence.

Monday, January 5, 2015


To pass My classes and to fix my car up to its former glory.

Update: Sunday March 20, 2016
Im out of high school now my goals in life are to travel (just in general) and get a job that pays well enough and to just stay alive until the ripe old age of 95 thats it, And so far the staying alive thing is working out pretty well.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Ted Talks 15

1.  Who was the presenter?
Matthew O'Reilly
2.  What is the title of the talk?   
"Am i dying?" The honest Answer
3.  What were 3 major points of the presentation?  
Fear owned his job as a life saver
there are patterns in dying in the groups of people
Facing death in the flesh is the scariest thing in life
4.  What were 3 of your thoughts about the talk? 
Why would you lie to the dying?
How can people be ok with dying?
How could someone continue working this job and not break-down emotionally?
5.  In what way did this talk change you? this talk had changed me by telling the truth will sent not only your soul free but it will set the dying soul free as well.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Tododays Notes

What is Coverage

What is a Shot?

Do you need more than one camera to make a movie?

What is A sequence?
What is Blocking

What is a scene?

3D Text

Jeremy Logan 11/21/14 Larsen 4th Period