Friday, August 29, 2014

Monday August 25, 2014

-What is Important to you?

What is important to me is the people i meet and know i want to keep all my connections to people and when i burn one of those bridges or lose some one it brakes me its a depressing thing i feel that i should cherish the people i know becase once there gone there gone.

Interveiw Skills

  • Be Respectful
  • Be on Time
  • And dress Formal/Casuall

Monday, August 18, 2014

Ted Talks Questions (Ken Robinson)

After Listening to the talk answer the following questions

Who's the presenter?
Ken Robinson
What was the title or subject of the talk?
Changing Education Program
What were 3 major of the presentation?
  • education has changed very much over the years
  • there's huge cultural differences
  • divergent thinking
What were 3 of your thoughts on the talk?
  • It was enlightening
  • I like his way of thinking
  • That the current education system is dead

In what way did this talk change you?
It makes me feel that i should find a way to help change the education system